Post revisions is a great feature that shows the automatically saved or manually saved post revisions. You could revert any changes made in anytime if the post revisions are available. This is a great feature for many WordPress users. But, someone may find that, as a bad thing. If you have a limited amount of […]
How to Add Special Characters in WordPress Posts
Ever wondered how those companies adding that © or ® icon in their websites? These are the special characters which can be inserted into the text areas like any other characters on the keyboard. WordPress itself is a great tool for creating amazing content with ease. So, once you needed the help of the special characters in […]
How to Disable Right-Click on a WordPress Website
Plagiarism is a big problem faced by genuine bloggers and website owners. The lazy people on the web just copy the content and paste them to their blogs. This is the laziest job to do and the easiest way to get some content apart from those hours of hard work for producing contents. This may affect […]
What are WordPress Widgets: Areas, Uses, etc.
WordPress Widgets are the small blocks which perform some specific actions according to the user’s needs. WordPress widgets are created to perform some specific actions with the structure and design defined by the theme in an easy and simple manner. Widgets allow you to add contents or features to the widgetized areas of your theme. They […]
How to Disable JSON REST API in WordPress
JSON REST API – the term is much more popular among developers. It is a feature on WordPress to GET requests. The JSON REST API is a pretty useful feature to build Apps with the WordPress platform. For example, if you want to build an Android or iOS app related to your blog, the JSON […]
What is a Sticky Post? How to Make Sticky Post on WordPress
WordPress comes with a lot of useful features in order to help you quickly make a successful blog. One such feature is the sticky posts. As the name itself implies, it just sticks your posts to the front page of your website in order to increase its visibility. These sticky posts are usually used to […]
3 Methods to Add CSS Ghost Buttons to WordPress Theme
Ghost buttons are very popular these days. Many websites make use of these types of stylish buttons to attract visitors to click them. Many of my friends asked me about ghost buttons and how to add ghost buttons to their websites. So, I decided to write this tutorial which also helps you alongside my friends. […]
How to Increase the Maximum File Upload Size in WordPress
The Maximum Upload Size in WordPress is the maximum size of a file that you can upload to your WordPress website using your WordPress dashboard. If you want to increase it to a certain number because you got some warnings like “maximum.mp4 exceeds the maximum upload size for this site,” this article could help you. […]
Add Additional File Type Upload on WordPress
For some security reasons, WordPress only allows uploading some particular file formats of files. The commonly allowed formats are image files, audio files, video files, PDF, Microsoft Office or OpenOffice documents, etc… Any other types of files will be blocked if you try to upload them to the media library. Though, you can’t upload any other […]
Custom Widget Areas WordPress Plugin Review
Custom Widget Areas WordPress Plugin is a plugin that helps to add widget areas or sidebars to any of the posts or pages. You can add the widget areas without touching a simple line of code. The simple functions can shrink the full-day programming to some minutes. Easily add some widget areas to any possible […]
How to Display a Tag Cloud Manually On WordPress
WordPress Tag Cloud is a great way to display a list of different categories or tags all over your website. Using these type of tag clouds placed on the sidebar of your website, users can reach the exact place which they are searching for. If you are a little geeky and want to create your […]
How to Add Facebook Official Share Button to WordPress Website
Facebook shares are very important in publicizing your website’s content all over the world. The share button allows sharing your files across Facebook, thus across the world. Creating a share button on every post or page is very important to keep your posts popular. In this article, we teach you how to add the official Facebook […]