Even the best WordPress theme for speed and performance contains a fair bit of JavaScript for base or bonus functionality. In other words, no matter how optimized it is, as you continue to modify its appearance and add new functions, its loading speed will be reduced. Luckily, you can still rely on a few tricks […]
How to Create a Site-Specific WordPress Plugin
Creating your first WordPress plugin allows you to easily add code snippets to your WordPress website. They will be completely independent of theme updates, and you can even install a new WordPress theme without worry. Also, you’ll no longer need to restore the functions.php file from your theme files, or fire up the Theme Editor […]
How to Be a WordPress Developer
Read about what WordPress is used for and figured you’d start developing for it? That’s commendable, even if you only stick to contributing to the WordPress code itself. By doing so, you’ll contribute to no less than a few million websites – WordPress powers about 40% of indexable ones on the Internet. But, whether you […]
How to Fix WordPress RSS Feed Errors
RSS feeds seem to be losing popularity. This is due to the social media networks, push notifications, mailing lists, and similar ways to stay updated. Luckily, their value didn’t decrease, and there are still plenty of users who rely on RSS feeds to read news, updates, and podcasts. Now that you know their importance, besides […]
How to Change Timezone in WordPress
Setting a timezone in WordPress has more benefits than simply telling the correct time in your country and city. The most obvious is the WordPress functions such as current_time or get_the_time that depend on it. These are used for scheduling posts, and when set incorrectly, can lead to the dreaded missed scheduled post WordPress error. […]
How to Disable URL Auto-Linking in WordPress Comments
WordPress automatically transforms plain text posted in comments into a URL (Uniform Resource Locator). That way anyone can click the link and be taken to the web address. While convenient, bots can spam your WordPress comment section with URLs to low-quality, shady, or straight-up illegal web resources. This can tank your Google ranking rapidly and […]
Why you Should Dare to Be a Blogger
Is being a blogger worth it? That’s a question many ask themselves, and we’re no different. Obviously, you know our answer, since you wouldn’t be reading these words otherwise. It’s up to you to have to think about the value a blog provides, and decide whether it’s powerful enough. We’ll try to help by listing […]
How to Fix the 504 Gateway Timeout Error in WordPress
Faced the 504 Gateway Timeout error instead of the page you expected? It happened because the server you tried to contact could not fulfill the request. But why? The reason could be a plethora of things, hence why there are so many solutions. Luckily, this error, while terrifying when it does, happens much less often […]
Problems of the Nulled Themes and Plugins
Encountered a nulled plugin or theme for WordPress, and started debating whether to use it? First, get familiar with the term. Nulled represents a modified, cracked, or pirated version of, in this case, a premium plugin or theme. They’re not meant to be just given out, and developers implement licenses and add various protections to […]
How to Hide Author in WordPress
There are a few reasons you’d want to conceal the author’s name on WordPress blog posts. Sadly, WordPress doesn’t offer a built-in way to do that, hence why many hesitate. We’re here to tell you that you shouldn’t, as the steps are relatively easy and can be permanent if done right. Plus, if you go […]
Who Owns WordPress?
Whether you’ve started using WordPress recently or been a long-time user, you made the right choice. It is the most popular CMS (Content Management System) and powers more than 40.5% of the top 10 million websites on the Internet. But have you ever wondered who the creators and current owners are? You should’ve, at least […]
How to Fix 503 Service Unavailable Error in WordPress
Saw the “503 Service Unavailable“ message in place of website content? Don’t worry, it might not be permanent. But if a minute or two passes, and the message persists, you shouldn’t hesitate further. Hoping it goes away on its own can cost you visitors, and even search results ranking. To put it simply, the issue […]