Quiz websites, besides providing lots of fun, education, engagement, and intrigue, also have other uses. One of them is the ability to gain and retain an audience at a steady rate, with the chance of the quiz going viral. Take BuzzFeed quiz for example – it became a category on its own and popularized the format. Moreover, you can conduct exams, tests, or surveys, generate leads for your business, improve your marketing, reporting, and analysis, and much more. With so many appealing reasons to do so, let’s jump straight into how to make a quiz website in WordPress.
1. Choose, install, and activate a WordPress quiz plugin
You can create a quiz website manually, that’s a fact. However, that requires proficiency at WordPress development and web design and you’d lose a lot of time. Instead, we recommend installing a WordPress plugin with quiz functionality. We’ll demonstrate the entire process with the best-known and most advanced one. That’s Quiz And Survey Master (wordpress.org/plugins/quiz-master-next). If you did too, let’s proceed.
2. Create a quiz in WordPress
Up until the last step, you’ll do everything from the WordPress Admin Section sidebar on the left-hand side, specifically the QSM > Dashboard menu. So, head on there and click on the Create New Quiz/Survey button. A new window will open so make sure to:
- Enter the name of your quiz in the empty text field on the top.
- Select Quiz under Form Type.
- Configure Graded System option to Correct/incorrect, Points, or Both.
- We don’t suggest putting Yes under Require User Login unless your quiz will be membership-based. Also, we suggest leaving Force Submit to No unless it’s an exam or a test.
- Choose between the available templates, Simple Quiz, and Time Based Quiz.
- Tip. The latter is identical to the former, except that you get a Time Limit (In Minutes) setting to configure. Users will see a timer in the bottom right corner and get a “Time is Up!” alert.
- Click on the Create Quiz button in the bottom right corner.
3. Add pages and questions to the WordPress quiz
Now for the crucial step required to create a quiz website in WordPress. Go to the Questions tab in the QSM Dashboard. You can add unlimited pages and answers, as long as they fit on the page. So, follow these steps to create a quiz page with Quiz and Survey Master:
- Enter the page title in the empty Title Field at the top of the page.
- Enter your question in the text field similar to the WordPress Classic Editor. As expected, you can add text, media, links, choose the formatting, etc. Also, you can click the Text tab in the upper right corner to edit HTML.
- Configure the Publish meta box in the top right corner like this:
- Question Type. Choose one of the 15 different types of questions such as Short Answer, Vertical Multiple Choice, Fill in the Blank, etc.
- Answers Type. You can only choose between Text Answers (no formatting, only line breaks/spaces) or Rich Answers (includes formatting).
- Optional. Edit the Category meta box if you want to group questions into categories. This makes importing easy by searching or clicking Add Question From Question Bank.
- Provide one or more answers by clicking on the Add New Answer! button. Type the answer in the blank text field and put a checkmark in front of Correct for the correct answer(s).
- Optional. Modify the Correct Answer Info section for users to see a detailed explanation at the end of the quiz.
- Optional. Edit the Advanced Option meta box to add bonus options that change based on the Question Type.
- When you’re done editing, click on the Save Question button.
- Depending on what you want to do next, click on Create New Page or Create New Question at the bottom.
4. Setting up the quiz in WordPress (Optional)
If you need to finetune your quiz, switch over to the Options tab. Here are some options you can tweak for your quiz website in WordPress:
- Allow Score Round-off. Rounds off the score to a round number.
- Limit Entries. 0 (unlimited) by default. If you put 10, for example, the 11th user won’t be able to take the quiz.
- Limit Attempts. The number of times the same user can open the quiz.
- Quiz Dates. The quiz will only be available between a start and end date.
- Retake Quiz. Shows an eponymous button when a user sees results. Doesn’t work if restricted by Limit Attempts.
- Show results inline. Instantly shows “Correct!” or ”Wrong!” instead of waiting for results.
5. Setting up the Results page
Now’s the time to determine the feedback the users see. Follow these steps to configure the Results page:
- Go to the Results Pages tab.
- You’ll see a default Results page template which you can edit if it’ll be y our only one. Otherwise, click on click on Add New Results Page as many times as you need.
- Click on Add additional Condition button to configure when and what the user sees. For example, you can set up multiple Results pages for different numbers of answers or scores.
- You can also click on Insert Template Variables in the bottom right corner of the page. This lets you add over 30 pre-made functions to the text.
- Click on the Save Results Pages button.
6. Make the quiz appear on the frontend
Here are 3 ways to integrate your WordPress quiz on your website:
- Use a shortcode. In the WordPress sidebar on the left, go to QSM > Quizzes/Surveys. Click the icon in the Shortcode column that matches your quiz name. Copy the shortcode onto a WordPress post or page to embed it. Otherwise, copy/paste the link shortcode.
- Make a widget. Go to Appearances > Widget. Drag the Text widget to the desired location. Add a title, paste the shortcode or shortcode link in the empty text space and click on Save.
- Use the Gutenberg block. Edit your post or page with WordPress Block Editor. Click on Add Block > search for “qsm” > Select QSM Block. Now, Click on Block Settings > Select your quiz in the drop-down menu below Quiz/Survey ID > click on Update/Publish.